Welcome To Beautiful Mind Foundation


Our Mission & Philosophy


We envision building an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Chitwan district to fuel startup growth and development.


Our Philosophy is to nurture the ideas of young entrepreneurs and enable them to create sustainable commercial ventures.


To develop a world class business incubation centre within Boston College.

To provide all sorts of support to entrepreneurial talents of Chitwan during the phase of ideation, concept development, product development and pilot implementation of their startup projects.

To connect the entrepreneurs with investors including angel investors and venture capitalists.

To provide the seed capital to the eligible teams so that they can implement their business ideas

To bridge the gap between academia and industry and build the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Chitwan district


To make citizen of the country aware that apart from physical health, there exist important entity- mental healths.

Mental health, along with spiritual health is the hallmark for the individual for the overall positive health.

Citizens should also be aware that “there is no health without mental health”.

Positive mental health and well being leads to significant improvement in “Physical Health”, person leading healthy and prosperous life.

Psychiatric disorders need holistic approach rather than giving tablets and sending patients home.

Individuals with psychiatric morbidities, if taken care comprehensively and in time, can lead healthy and productive life. They can become useful citizen of this country, contributing to economy and becoming socially responsible.

Mentally healthy, prosperous person become valuable economic contributor to the country, nation becoming richer than before.


Beautiful Mind Foundation has a very plain and simple mission

  1. We will serve and give services to people with mental health issues. These issues can be various psychiatric symptoms just as headache, sadness, anxiety, obsessions to complex psychiatric symptoms.
  2. Our services will have no barriers in age, gender, caste, ethnicity and nationalities.


BMF will serve people of Nepal despite all the obstacles, stigma and adverse situations

Service to the community is service to the country where we are born.

Service to the humanity will lead to better life and empower us as a responsible citizen of the country

Giving holistic care to people with mental illness can give us new satisfaction and change our perspectives towards life.